Music: 2012 – 2014

Music: 2012 – 2014

Welcome to Captain Ahab’s Motorcycle Club Music Library.

From 2012 through 2014 we developed & shared recordings, and created live events worldwide. Our online music library features a collection of songs written by Cory McAbee for CAMC use. All tracks are available for free download. Additional tracks and mixes for these songs were generated and posted by club members. During that period McAbee performed live to member-generated mixes at nightclubs, theaters and film festivals throughout the world. In 2015 CAMC begins a new phase. We will now create a soundtrack for the feature film, Small Star Seminar.

CAMC 2012-2014 Music Library

Songs written by Cory McAbee for the CAMC library. Original tracks recorded by Cory McAbee and Matt Cowan. Remixes and additional tracks created by CAMC members for live performances.


CAMC Original Mixes 

CAMC Re-Mixes 


Your Head Is Cracking Open 

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20th Century Man 

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A Song 

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Mike’s Girlfriend 

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Morning Doesn’t Wake Her 

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The Garden 

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Penny Jane 

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The Man Who Swore at a Rainbow 

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The Winner 

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Three Headed Dog 

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When I Walk 

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2000 cc’d 

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